Fitbit Versa: You know you want one.

Does a fitness watch help you lose weight? The answer to this is, NO. However, It does help keep you motivated. You can set daily step goals, challenge friends in step challenges, or aim to burn a certain amount in your workout. I know it keeps me motivated anyway 😛

I got my first Fitbit in 2016. It was the Fitbit Blaze and i loved it! I could change the bands, i thought i was pretty cool. Then 2 weeks ago, it suddenly stopped holding charge, wouldn’t even last a day and gave me no notice, so i contacted Fitbit and they done some troubleshooting, and yep… i had an actual reason to upgrade!

The support team at Fitbit were amazing by the way!

I’m sure other products are great, heck id love an apple watch but they’re just about a million dollars… but the Versa kinda looks like an apple watch anyway, so sleek. A watch that looks like an apple watch but cheaper? Where do i sign up? Oh, i give the computer my CC details and they send it to me.. Cool, thanks!

I’ll take you through some of the features.

Clock Faces

There’s a zillion different clock faces, I can even have a photo of my dog on there! I don’t.. only because hes literally everywhere else, but its a cool feature! You can choose stats heavy or get a little pet and and look after it. There are so many to choose from coming from the Blaze, not gonna lie, i was a little overwhelmed and couldn’t pick one! You can even customise some of the clock faces even further with your own colours – GET OUTTA TOWN! – little catch though, some clocks you DO have to pay for.. i’ll be sticking to the freebies.


The battery was charged full on Tuesday and i wear it flat out except when i shower. Its now Sunday and I’ve literally just been given the battery low icon. So i’d say 5 full days before a recharge.

Workout Tracking

The Blaze & Versa both have this which is why i upgraded to the Versa. Separate workout tracking has different activities to choose from – Workout, Run, Walk, Spin Bike etc. I mainly only use “workout” when I’m the gym and “run” when i actually go for a run haha. The stats are right there on the screen for you – your heart rate, calories burnt, time lapsed. Seeing my calories burnt gives me the extra push to burn even more! Once you stop the timer & sync it to the app you have even more stats to view.


This is pretty cool, you can read text messages on your wrist, woweeee! Even though you cant reply at least you can see if it’s something important and you need to grab your phone or not. Not being able to reply on my wrist wasn’t a concern for me.


I love the weather app! I love being able to check what the weather is without getting my phone out. Other apps include Calculator, Flashlight or News.. but i havent really explored any of these yet.

Music Controls

You can control the music playing on your phone. You can really only skip to the next song or adjust the volume, still handy though. The Versa also allows you to store upto 300 songs on the device itself. Catch is, these are only songs you have purchased through iTunes.


Its sleek, smaller than the Blaze and comfortable to wear. The only thing i loved about the Blaze more was that you could pop out the face and out it in another frame. The Versa you can only change the bands, i havent done it yet, but i hear its not that easy.


Get one! Its the best Fitbit I’ve had (even though its only my second)

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