That little pill we take every day..

18 years on the pill.. the same amount of time that it was legal for me to drink alcohol… and adult.

This is the start of a scary but exciting journey for me, as I’m approaching 30 I thought I should really look at the birth control method I am using. I’ve literally been on the pill since I was 12. Going on the pill at such a young age wasn’t because I was sexually active.. it was because I got my period and it was making my life hell, once a month.

I got my period in year 7 of school, I had no idea and my maroon pleated skirt was covered in dark patches. I raced home so embarrassed I even hid it from my mum! Eventually I fessed up that something was wrong with me.. and my mum was able to help me through it. I had the heaviest flow and most painful cramps ever. It probably took about a year before putting me on the contraceptive pill.

Because i was so young, i didn’t know what this really was. I didn’t look into it, but who would at the age of 12? The doctor just prescribed it to me, and said it would help.. so i did.. but never stopped.

Some of the side effects i believe i might be getting from being on the pill are:

  • Headaches
  • Bloating
  • Weight Gain

I have personally, been oblivious for the past 18 years and just thought the pill was my contraceptive, I had no idea that the period we get monthly on the sugar pills is infact not actually a period.. it’s our body being tricked to think we are having a period. I knew nothing about ovulation and to be honest I’m still learning! I haven’t been planning a family so it hasn’t prompted me to look at it more.. but at the age of 30, you’d think I’d know something about my body right?

I’ve definitely looked into it more and still researching (still not for family planning) but so I can understand, I guess the older I get the more intrigued I am! After doing hours and hours of research I was so overwhelmed, but I was certain I wanted to come off the pill.. now where do I go from here? What’s my birth control? I booked in to see my doctor and she wasn’t thrilled with coming off a contraceptive all together and suggested 2 things for me.

1. Mirena IUD

2. Copper IUD

The more I looked into the mirena I found it still has hormones in it, the main reason I’m getting off the pill.. so the copper is the next thing. The thought of having either of these inserted hurts already and then having to check monthly if it’s still positioned right freaks me out. I’ve had mixed reviews on both and it would definitely be a personal trial and error situation.

My next option is to track my temperature daily and entering my reading into an app to work out my body manually, this also freaks me out.. what if I’m wrong? What if I have sex in the days leading up-to my ovulation? What if I take my temp wrong? What if I stuff up the numbers? I’d be a constant stress ball.

So, so far me “coming” off the pill has been going on for 4ish months.. and I think I’ve finally decided which way I’m going… hit “Follow” to keep up-to date with my decision!

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